International Women’s Day Exhibit

International Women’s Day Exhibit

by The Inspire Initiative
exhibit by Maria Cerda

International Women's Day Exhibit

Sunday, March 8th, we celebrated International Women’s Day, along with Waves of Freedom and over 100 others at Bird’s Surf Shed in San Diego.

There is a substantial, undeniable groundswell movement rising from within women’s surfing that is gaining momentum and visibility, and we want to share more about this with you in an upcoming blog post, along with a recap of our event, but for now, we want to share an inspiring exhibit which showcases a small slice of the diversity to be found in women’s surfing. This exhibit was on display at our International Women’s Day celebration.

Thank you to everyone who helped make this event a stunning success! Stay tuned as we continue to recap Surfing’s International Women’s Day 2015.

MDJC artist statement

Daniel Bert


Maria Cerda





All rights remain with Maria Cerda.
Please contact us at if you would like more information about this exhibit.